EDGECAM Version 9.75 - May 2005
When profiling 3D curves, multiple passes are now available and the user can also digitize containment boundaries for machining.
Enable/disable undercutting
Previously, undercutting was effectively enabled whenever an undercutting tool type was specified. To reduce processing time, it is now possible to disable the Undercut option.
Enhanced Autodesk Inventor support
Hole construction methods introduced in Autodesk Inventor at R9 are now fully supported and thread data is imported. When working with assemblies, information such as thread data and coordinate systems are transferred into EDGECAM.
EDGECAM Part Modeler 9.75 enhancements
New color options to set the color of component features and faces, allowing the user to capture the design intent by allocating different colors.
Code Wizard enhancements
include new adaptive turning template for Index G200 machines, support for multi-level and multi-depth cycle options in Heidenhain Series 200 templates and additional tokens for numeric user variables.
Improved cylindrical stock generation
now produces arc entities that can be used as boundary entities for machining, for example. When generating auto-stock, the fit around the part geometry is more consistent.
Increased usability
through various new options, including ability to disable auto-regeneration for faster processing, more user-friendly specification of part units and output tolerance.